Ruby 2.5 Is Out - Let's Benchmark

Benchmarking Ruby 2.5.0 against versions 2.4.3 and 2.3.6

Ruby’s performance is getting better and better with each release and the newly released 2.5.0 version is no different.

Before the release of Ruby 2.4 last year I benchmarked Ruby 2.3.3p222 and 2.4.0preview3 and was pleasantly surprised. Since the release notes of Ruby 2.5 highlight some performance improvements I ran another benchmark.

This time I benchmarked Ruby 2.3.6, 2.4.3 and 2.5.0 on all three HexaPDF benchmarks. Since HexaPDF is only compatible with Ruby 2.4 and higher, I had to modify it a bit so that it also runs under Ruby 2.3. Note that all Ruby versions are tested with the exact same HexaPDF code which means that there is no distortion through the use of newer methods (like String#match?).

The benchmarks themselves are not that compute-intense but generate a lot of small objects and strings. As no heavy computation is done it means that potential speed-ups of the Ruby interpreter are most likely not that pronounced. The three benchmarks are:

  • Optimization: This benchmark involves reading various PDFs one by one, creating in-memory representations and writing size-optimized versions of the PDFs. This involves a lot of string to Ruby object conversion and vice versa.

  • Raw Text: In this benchmark the text from then English version of Homer’s Odyssey is just output line by line, with no additional line breaks begin inserted or text metric measuring being done. This tests the low-level text output facilities of HexaPDF which generate a lot of small strings.

    To see how more text influences the performance, this test is run using the text of Homer’s Odyssey one, five and ten times.

  • Line Wrapping: Again Homer’s Odyssey is output but this time the line breaking algorithm is used. This means that the text needs to be segmented into parts first and then assembled into lines, providing a more compute intense benchmark.

    This test is run on different page widths where with a page width of 400pt no additional line breaks need to be inserted, and with a page width of 50pt even long words need to be broken.

And here are the results, graphics first followed by the raw data (note that the last four columns are missing on the optimization benchmark graphic because the bars would be so much higher):


raw text

line wrapping

Raw data for the “Optimization” benchmark:

| a.pdf (53,056)      |              Time              |                Memory                |
|                     |   2.3.6  |   2.4.3  |   2.5.0  |   2.3.6    |   2.4.3    |   2.5.0    |
| hexapdf             |    158ms |    154ms |    162ms |  15,644KiB |  14,108KiB |  14,424KiB |
| hexapdf C           |    151ms |    141ms |    155ms |  15,704KiB |  14,224KiB |  14,728KiB |
| hexapdf CS          |    156ms |    148ms |    161ms |  16,344KiB |  14,644KiB |  15,064KiB |
| hexapdf CSP         |    209ms |    167ms |    176ms |  16,608KiB |  14,856KiB |  15,504KiB |
| b.pdf (11,520,218)  |              Time              |                Memory                |
| hexapdf             |  1,093ms |    934ms |    839ms |  31,188KiB |  31,604KiB |  25,248KiB |
| hexapdf C           |  1,032ms |    953ms |    878ms |  31,532KiB |  30,440KiB |  26,004KiB |
| hexapdf CS          |  1,137ms |  1,087ms |  1,001ms |  34,264KiB |  31,352KiB |  29,120KiB |
| hexapdf CSP         |  8,938ms |  8,328ms |  7,933ms |  49,796KiB |  46,796KiB |  40,260KiB |
| c.pdf (14,399,980)  |              Time              |                Memory                |
| hexapdf             |  2,192ms |  1,890ms |  1,720ms |  43,272KiB |  39,936KiB |  36,520KiB |
| hexapdf C           |  2,194ms |  2,052ms |  1,898ms |  43,604KiB |  39,836KiB |  37,968KiB |
| hexapdf CS          |  2,396ms |  2,203ms |  2,047ms |  49,764KiB |  43,328KiB |  40,672KiB |
| hexapdf CSP         |  9,435ms |  9,136ms |  8,431ms |  71,284KiB |  63,592KiB |  55,780KiB |
| d.pdf (8,107,348)   |              Time              |                Memory                |
| hexapdf             |  5,889ms |  5,002ms |  4,238ms |  99,812KiB |  59,968KiB |  57,172KiB |
| hexapdf C           |  5,601ms |  4,967ms |  4,196ms |  85,488KiB |  57,860KiB |  57,724KiB |
| hexapdf CS          |  6,119ms |  5,576ms |  4,685ms |  83,880KiB |  60,992KiB |  59,048KiB |
| hexapdf CSP         |  6,284ms |  5,606ms |  4,833ms |  93,520KiB |  90,744KiB |  82,328KiB |
| e.pdf (21,788,087)  |              Time              |                Memory                |
| hexapdf             |  1,034ms |    851ms |    814ms |  44,596KiB |  49,688KiB |  50,704KiB |
| hexapdf C           |  1,093ms |  1,054ms |    920ms | 109,588KiB |  93,268KiB |  66,916KiB |
| hexapdf CS          |  1,134ms |  1,127ms |  1,006ms | 109,792KiB |  96,556KiB |  89,128KiB |
| hexapdf CSP         | 30,476ms | 29,949ms | 28,679ms | 188,592KiB | 184,464KiB | 182,472KiB |
| f.pdf (154,752,614) |              Time              |                Memory                |
| hexapdf             | 59,356ms | 54,641ms | 45,201ms | 583,908KiB | 461,636KiB | 473,448KiB |
| hexapdf C           | 63,415ms | 58,382ms | 49,877ms | 539,764KiB | 505,060KiB | 504,452KiB |
| hexapdf CS          | 71,359ms | 64,601ms | 55,915ms | 674,008KiB | 563,100KiB | 592,072KiB |
| ERR hexapdf CSP     |      0ms |      0ms |      0ms |       0KiB |       0KiB |       0KiB |

Raw data for “Raw Text” benchmark:

|                 |               Time             |               Memory                 |
|                 |   2.3.6  |   2.4.3  |   2.5.0  |   2.3.6    |   2.4.3    |   2.5.0    |
| hexapdf 1x      |    667ms |    585ms |    544ms |  28,892KiB |  20,904KiB |  20,956KiB |
| hexapdf 5x      |  2,571ms |  2,362ms |  2,176ms |  40,092KiB |  35,444KiB |  32,236KiB |
| hexapdf 10x     |  5,025ms |  4,654ms |  4,208ms |  51,360KiB |  52,664KiB |  46,092KiB |
| hexapdf 1x ttf  |    708ms |    644ms |    619ms |  25,308KiB |  21,764KiB |  20,464KiB |
| hexapdf 5x ttf  |  2,932ms |  2,680ms |  2,480ms |  44,800KiB |  45,756KiB |  36,900KiB |
| hexapdf 10x ttf |  5,785ms |  5,194ms |  4,878ms |  69,996KiB |  62,876KiB |  52,808KiB |

Raw data for “Line Wrapping” benchmark:

|                 |     Time |     Time |     Time |     Memory |     Memory |     Memory |
|                 |   2.3.6  |   2.4.3  |   2.5.0  |   2.3.6    |   2.4.3    |   2.5.0    |
| hexapdf 400     |  2,251ms |  2,025ms |  1,865ms |  82,612KiB |  67,276KiB |  68,712KiB |
| hexapdf 200     |  2,553ms |  2,308ms |  2,141ms |  94,092KiB |  69,420KiB |  69,820KiB |
| hexapdf 100     |  2,945ms |  2,649ms |  2,434ms |  93,868KiB |  74,496KiB |  73,432KiB |
| hexapdf 50      |  4,572ms |  4,228ms |  3,974ms | 175,492KiB | 178,932KiB | 157,028KiB |
| hexapdf 400 ttf |  2,330ms |  2,103ms |  1,959ms |  84,920KiB |  68,812KiB |  70,660KiB |
| hexapdf 200 ttf |  2,669ms |  2,368ms |  2,201ms |  93,688KiB |  73,540KiB |  78,452KiB |
| hexapdf 100 ttf |  3,305ms |  2,971ms |  2,712ms |  98,556KiB |  76,804KiB |  80,880KiB |
| hexapdf 50 ttf  |  7,051ms |  6,602ms |  6,288ms | 268,120KiB | 236,108KiB | 266,376KiB |

I think that the graphics and numbers speak for themselves: Ruby is clearly getting faster and faster which is great! And I’m especially excited by the possibility of having an MJIT in Ruby 2.6! Good times! 😊